Workshop Aiap 2017 28 febbraio 2017




Also this year we have the pleasure to present AIAP educational program, a series of lectures and workshops held by international designers.

Anche quest’anno abbiamo il piacere di presentarvi il calendario formativo AIAP, una serie di laboratori a cura di designer internazionali volti all’approfondimento nel campo della progettazione.


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! 22 dicembre 2016




Mister Gatto vi augura buone feste / Mister Gatto wishes you happy holidays.
Margherita and Gianluca


Book. E—Book. No Book. 9 dicembre 2016


book. ebook nobook riccardo Falcinelli gianluca camillini


Book. E-book. No book. La grafica del libro di massa in epoca digitale. Talk di Riccardo Falcinelli.
19 Dicembre 2016, ore 19 aula F0.01, 39100 — Bozen/Bolzano
Faculty of Design and Arts, Free University of Bozen/Bolzano.


Spi—draw at Mantova Playground 1 dicembre 2016




‘Spi—draw’ goes to Mantova! Within Mantova Playground Festival you can play and experiment with our drawing tool and with many other incredible drawing machines. See you in Mantova, December 3 / 10.30-18.00. For further info and subscription click here.


The bolted book goes to Milan 22 novembre 2016


gianluca camillini depero


Within the Kickstarter project for reprinting the Bolted Book as it appeared in its original form, Gianluca will present his research on 24 November at 18.30 – 121+, Milan.
Invited speakers: Stefano Salis, Melania Gazzotti, Pietro Corraini. For further info and updates click here.


The Bolted Book facsimile: an exact copy of Depero Futurista. 20 ottobre 2016


Depero Gianluca Camillini bolted book


We are glad to collaborate with “The Bolted Book facsimile: an exact copy of Depero Futurista”, a project in order to reprint the Bolted Book as it appeared in its original form and return this resonant piece of design history to the present. Gianluca’s original research on the Bolted Book has been used for the accompanying reader guide and for the Kickstarter campaign. Have a look and spread the voice!

Project partners: CIMA — Center for Italian Modern Art, MART — Museo di arte moderna e contemporanea di Trento e Rovereto and Designers & Books.



Spi—draw, a drawing tool. 18 settembre 2016





Spi—draw has eight legs, exactly like a spider, but it’s a drawing tool to play and experiment holding up to 8 felt-tip pens at the same time.

The project has been presented at the LUNA Lunga notte della ricerca / Lange Nacht der Forschung!!!


Aiap Workshop 2016 21 luglio 2016




This year we had the pleasure of curating the educational program of Aiap —Italian Association for Visual Design.
Many thanks to Cinzia Ferrara, Carla Palladino and to all designers involved in the event line-up: Kasper-Florio, Milimbo, Marco Goran Romano, Luca Barcellona, Tommaso Gentile. To get further information and subscription click here.


Progetto grafico 29 is hot from the press 22 maggio 2016




Progetto grafico #29 is hot from the press with the article “the imagined client” written by Gianluca Camillini and Jonathan Pierini.


In this article we introduce the figure of the imagined client as a way of examining various areas of graphic design and seeing how the monolithic and traditionally accepted designer-client relationship has today taken on a new form. The imagined client is a character to whom we can give an identity. It is the client as we imagine them, the client we want but also a client that you cannot and no longer want to define a client: the public, your partner in crime or in need.


This issue, among other things, features contributions by Giovanni Anceschi, Evelina Bazzo (Umbrella), Marco Benvegnù (Arper),Emanuela Bonini Lessing, Marianne Burki (Pro Helvetia), Juliette Cezzar (Parsons School of Design), Stefano Coletto (Fondazione Bevilacqua La Masa), Giovanni De Mauro (Internazionale), Stefano Faoro (Jan van Eyck Academie), Davide Fornari, Jo Frenken (Jan van Eyck Academie), Steven Heller (School of Visual Arts NYC), Kido Hideyuki (DNP Foundation for Cultural Promotion), Antonio Cesare Iadarola, Krisis Publishing, Sheila Levrant de Bretteville, Veronica Maccari, Julien Mercier, Armand Mevis (Werkplaats Typografie), NORM (, YuJune Park (Parsons School of Design ), Luciano Perondi, Jonathan Pierini, Mark Porter, Project Projects, R2 design, Christina Reble (Museum für Gestaltung Zürich), Giorgio Ruggeri, Silvia Sfligiotti, Adrian Shaughnessy (Royal College of Art), Leonardo Sonnoli, Mariko Takagi, Lita Talarico (School of Visual Arts NYC), Laurent Ungerer (École nationale supérieure des Arts Décoratifs), Carlo Vinti, Huib Haye van der Werf (Jan van Eyck Academie)

For further info click here.


Depero’s bolted book at Fare ricerca in design IUAV — Venezia 4 febbraio 2016




Dal 24 al 26 Febbraio Gianluca presenterà la sua ricerca sul libro bullonato di Fortunato Depero nell’ambito di “Fare ricerca in design” presso lo IUAV di Venezia.

From 24th to 26th of February, Gianluca will present his research about Depero’s bolted book within “Fare ricerca in design” symposium at the IUAV of Venice.